Stream Restoration Protocols were created by an expert panel and are used by Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Trust Fund. There are five protocols within stream restoration. These practice types require additional inputs in order to calculate the estimated reductions.
This article provides all of the qualifying conditions and input information that you will find in the FieldDoc system when entering your information for Protocol 4. It is provided in order to help you prepare your information during the project set up process.
Find information on each protocol visit their respective articles
Protocol 1 - Prevented Sediment
Protocol 2 - Denitrification in the hyporheic zone
Protocol 3 - Floodplain reconnection
Protocol 4 - Stormwater performance standard
Protocol 5 - Outfall and gully stabilization
And read this article for steps and videos ons how to add your stream restoration practice to your project.
Qualifying Conditions
Eligible runoff reduction practices are: landscape restoration/reforestation; rooftop disconnection; sheetflow to filter/open space; all ESD practices in MD 2007; dry swale; expanded tree pits; grass channels; green roof; green streets; infiltration; rainwater harvesting; landscape restoration/reforestation.
Eligible stormwater treatment practices are: constructed wetlands; filtering practices; proprietary practices; wet ponds and wet swales.