Projects contain all information with respect to your work in FieldDoc. A user will create projects in their account that reflect a suite of work intended for a funder. Once your project shell is created, the user will add practices and sites that demonstrate where and what BMPs will be installed and their impact.
Watch the tutorial or use the step-by-step instructions below to create a new project.
Step 1. Create a new project
Step 2. Name Project
Name. Your FieldDoc project name should match the name provided in your program information.
Select a Program. All projects must be assigned to a single program. Each program has a unique, curated list of practice types, metrics, and models so they are not interchangeable.
Click Save. This will save your work and bring you to the Project Edit page.
Step 3. Add a Project Description
Step through the fields to enter in all of your general project details. These should match the information that you are sharing through your grant proposal, if applicable.
Name. Create a project name. In some cases you will be creating this project for a grant program. If this is the case, use your existing grant title as the project name. If you have further questions you can always reach out to your grant program contact.
Description. Add a description. Keep it simple and use the summary from your grant proposal.
Organization. Organization will be pre-populated. You can add collaborators at a future screen. The project organization should match the intended fund recipient.
Grant Program. You must assign your project to the grant program that you are submitting this proposal to or that is already funding this project. NOTE: This critical step determines what practices, metrics, and models are available for your project.
Privacy. You can choose the privacy setting at the project level or if there are only certain locations that need to remain private you can toggle on privacy at those specific locations.
Important: Blue save button to confirm your field entries. Then, click the top right mosaic icon to arrive on your project summary page.
Step 4. Project Summary Page
You will now be brought to the project landing page. On the right hand navigation you may want to add collaborators to your project.
Project Members
Add or remove project members. Members are users outside of your organization that need access to this project.
Note: All users within a single organization can see all of projects associated with that organization. This is important for two reasons. First, you do not need to give them Member access to individual projects. Second, it's why you should never invite partners, consultants, or contractors to be members of your organization - only projects!
You can give other users limited or owner lever permission. Make sure you grant these permissions only to people you want to have full access. Project members must have an existing FieldDoc Account set up to be added.
Step 1: Start a Project (you are here)
Optional: Step 2: Add A Site
Required: Step 3: Add A Practice