Steps to submit an application to the Trust Fund
Interactive Tutorial
The following tutorial walks you through the key steps in four components. This is a basic tutorial that offers up a process to create your application that most closely resembles the old process. The steps that you will take are:
- Set up and name a new project. This project is within your organization's portfolio and will never be seen by the funder!
- Create activities. Activities replace practices and contain the same information.
- Set up your Pact*. Pacts are the new method to share your application to the Trust Fund for consideration.
- Submit to Funder. Your application is not visible to the Trust Fund Managers until you submit the Pact.
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1. Set up a New Project
1. Click "Create project"
2. Type in your Project Name
3. Click "Save"
Step 2. Add Activities
Within your Project, you can start adding individual activities. These activities will eventually be shared to Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund via a Pact in Step 3.
1. Start at the Project Overview page.
2. Click "Activities" to navigate to the Activities associated with this Project.
3. We are going to create a single Activity. Click "Create"
4. Type in a name for your Activity
5. Click "Save"
6. From the new Activity shell, you must add activity attributes. Click the vertical ellipses in the right hand corner.
7. Select "Edit activity" to enter the Edit Activity modal.
8. It's important to assign an "Activity type" to your record. Click the "Activity type" tab.
9. Access the universal list of activity types to make your selection via the button "Add activity type".
10. Search or scroll the list until you discover your preferred activity type. You can review the models and programs associated with each activity type. If you see duplicates of the same option, chances are they have different models available.
11. Select the activity type by clicking the button.
12. Confirm your selection.
13. You will return to the "Edit Activity", "Activity Type" view. Click "Save"
14. Next, associated a geometry with your Activity footprint. Click "Geometry"
15. Navigate to your installation location. Select the draw tool type that you want to use to delineate your activity's footprint.
16. Use your cursor to select delineate your footprint.
17. Double click to complete the drawing.
18. Click "Settings" to return to the Modal summary page.
19. Time to review and edit the extent of the geometry you just drew. Click "Extent"
20. The system estimates the geometric extent. Use the drop down to convert the extent to by reviewing an alternative measurement unit.
21. Override the system-determined extent by entering in an alternative value.
22. Type in the extent and select the unit type.
23. Save your work.
24. Next, connect a model to calculate sediment and nutrient load reductions. Click the "Models" tab.
25. The Models view shows all of the inputs that will be used to calculate the estimated reductions. You must enter in the unit value to run the calculation. If the system is missing inputs or efficiencies, for instance if there is not efficiency for the land river segment of your activity, the model will not run.
26. Click "Save inputs"
27. Once you save the inputs, the estimated reductions will appear. You can clear or re-set the model.
28. Close out of the Edit Activity modal to return to the activity home page.
29. The Activity Overview Page now contains all of the attribute information entered within the modal.
30. Return to the Project Activities page to repeat the process and add more activities to the project.
Step 3. Set up your Pact
1. To create a Pact, choose the "Pacts" tab within your portfolio.
2. Every application should have a new Pact. So click "+ Create".
3. Name your Pact. We recommend using the same name that you are using for the Trust Fund application. We recommend including the application ID.
4. Click this field.
5. Click this field.
6. Each Pact Opportunity has a unique code that applicants must use to create the Pact. Contact [email protected] to request support configuring your Pact.
7. Click "Save" to complete the steps to create your Pact shell.
8. Once in your Pact, FieldDoc has loaded in Program-level curated information. You will share activities from your portfolio to this Pact. Then you will add Program-related metrics and assign your planned targets.
9. First, let's add activities from the project we created.
10. Because you have already created the activities you can link them to this Pact. NOTE: Activities can be shared to multiple funders and Pacts without having to create duplicates. You can track metrics for each Pact separately. All Activities are stored in your Portfolio of work.
11. The system will load all of the activities in your collection. Select the ones that are associated with this funding application to assign it to the pact.
12. You have linked Activities to this Pact. Only these activities from your portfolio will be visible to the pact owner, the Trust Fund Program Managers. If you have more activities to include in your application, you must link them to this Pact or create them directly through this pact.
Step 4. Submit to Funder.
1. Return to your Pact overview page.
2. You must click the button to submit your pact for review. If you do not click this button, the program managers cannot view any information in this pact.
3. Once the Pact is submitted, the FieldDoc component of your is complete. To add a pdf of this page to your Grants Gateway application you can take a screenshot of this page or use your browser tools to print the pdf.
You can also grab the URL from the Pact Overview page and add that to your application.
Congrats, you're done!
If you have questions, check out FAQS and Tips for Trust Fund Applications or reach out to [email protected]
Updated 2 months ago