Step 1. Create your account

To enter FieldDoc, you must have an account that abides by our Terms of Service.

No one can enter FieldDoc without a fully configured account.

Each account has two components:

  1. A log-in with your work email.
  2. Connection with your work's Organization account.

This means that the FieldDoc account setup is always a two-step process. First, you will create your account with your work email address. Second, you will join your account to an organization.


Registration Tips

  • Make sure to use your real name.
  • Use your work email address.
  • All accounts need to be associated with an organization. Your account can only be associated with one organization and it must be the organization by which you are employed.
  • Contractors and Technical Service Providers must create their own organizations and will be added as Collaborators to specific projects by the project owner.
  • The system will look for an organization based on your email domain. If it does not find a match in the system, or if you are registering a new organization, you will be asked to reach out to and our team will help complete your account configuration.
  • All accounts need to be approved, either by an existing member of your organization or by someone on the FieldDoc team. This can take time, so please plan for the set up process to take as long as 24-48 hours!


How to create a new Organization?

Not sure if your organization already has a FieldDoc account, that's OK! You can get started on configuring your account. Once you get to the page to request to join an organization, you can reach out to if there is no Organization suggested for you.

Read more about Organization Account Management for in-depth details on setting up and managing an organization account.

Steps to Create a new FieldDoc User Account

1. From the Log in page, click "Sign up for FieldDoc."

2. Add your credentials, using your real name and your professional email account.

3. Click "Create account" to complete step one.

4. Open your email account and find the email from The Commons Support. Click the box to confirm your email address.

5. Once confirmed, sign in to FieldDoc again.

6. Use your newly created email and password to log-back into the system.

Alert: All accounts must be assigned to an organization. The system will try to suggest an organization for you to join if we find a matching email domain in the system. Otherwise, the FieldDoc support team will create a new organization for you and assign your account to it.

7. If the system finds an existing organization, you will arrive on this page.

8. If no existing organization can be found, you will be prompted to reach out to FieldDoc support at to configure your account.

Learn More

Check out our Account Management Overview articles for how to manage your account, permission structures, and more!

Keep Going

Once you have created your account and joined your organization, you can create new projects or review portfolio information already inputted by others within your organization.