
Projects have taken on a completely new role. They’re no longer tied directly to grant agreements. Instead, they’re now an optional organizational foldeer—a way to group and manage a batch of activity records within your organization.

What is a Project?

Projects are the highest organizing level for Activities. They are an optional folder that General and Standard users can use to organize Activities within their Portfolio. When you want to organize your Activities into categories, such as by Initiatives managed within your organization, use Projects as the top-level organizing unit.


Tips for data management and sharing

  • Projects are not shared with funders.
  • An Activity can only be contained within one Project within your organization's portfolio.
  • In previous versions of FieldDoc, Projects were shared in their entirety to Program Funding Opportunities. That is no longer the case. To share a batch of Activities to a Funder you must create a Pact.

When does it make sense to use Projects?

  • If your organization runs multiple initiatives—like a tree planting program and a fence installation program—you might want to track metrics specific to each initiative or you want to be able to filter your activity lists by program when applying for grants.
  • If your team operates in distinct regions, you might want to organize activities into projects that align staff with those regional responsibilities.

Projects are just a shell in which you can organize activity data. They are valuable because they roll up metrics, modeled outputs, and geospatial footprints of all associated activities. The Project Overview summary and the Project Atlas provide an automated, great analytical visualization of the activities included within the project.

Create a Project

When you create a Project folder, you can give it any name that you want. After the Project is created, you arrive at the Project Overview View, where you can start to add more information, such as Activities to that project. All of the Activity data will roll up into a handy summary view with the Project Overview Page.

Create a Project demo

This demo walks you through creating a new project and a simple method for batch importing activities.

Components of a Project

Let's take a quick look at the data fields accessible at the Project level. Remember, anything you add here will cascade down to the records contained within this Project.

When you're just getting started with FieldDoc, the amount of data that you can manage in regards to your work can feel overwhelming. The Feature List and Description below show all of the high-level information that you can curate within each Project in your Portfolio.

OverviewNon-editable page that captures data related to the Project as it is added to individual Activities.
ActivitiesAdd and manage individual records associated with this project within the Activity View. You can navigate to individual Activities from this view or batch edit Activities using the grid view.
MetricsCurate your list of metrics associated with the Project based on your Metric Portfolio. Then associate metrics with the Activities within this Project. Enter planned values that will be achieved once the Activity has been completed. Numbers inputted here appear as the denominator for Implementation Progress in the Overview and Atlas views.
ImplementationTrack progress towards completion or installation for each Activity's individual metrics. Numbers inputted here appear as the numerator for Implementation Progress in the Overview and Atlas views.
SitesA mid-level organizing unit that sub-classifies Activities within a Project.
CollaboratorsInvite FieldDoc Users outside of your organization as Collaborators to a Project. Collaborators can have admin or read-only access to all data within a Project.
Linked PagesLinked Pages help users manage and navigate between interrelated web pages. Add links to associated web apps and pages here such as ArcGIS Online Dashboards.
DocumentsA folder for storing Project-levels files such as QAPPs, engineering plans, SOPs, etc. These documents are only visible to Project Owners and Collaborators.
ImagesImport Project-level Photos. These documents are only visible to Project Owners and Collaborators.
AtlasView a non-editable, Project-level Atlas that maps the footprint of all associated Activities and visualizes progress toward planned metric values.
Edit ProjectEdit name and description of Project.
Upload FileUpload Documents to store in the Documents Folder.
Export ProjectExport Activity records within this project in a .csv or geojson format.
Print ProjectCaptures and prints the Overview Page.
Delete ProjectDeletes the entire project and associated Activities. There is no "undo" so please proceed with caution!