Organization Metrics

General Users can manage a portfolio of metrics within their own portfolio. All metrics are assigned at the activity record level. Users set the planned value and then can track progress towards the goal using the implementation field.

Throughout FieldDoc, there are many opportunities to both input and view metrics associated with different records. If you want to see a roll up of metrics that are being tracked across multiple activity records, such as within a project folder or program, you can see those aggregated metrics as well.

Let's see how it works!

Curate your list of metrics

Import metrics to an organization

To assign metrics and set planned-values for individual activities, you first have to make a list of metrics available for your records within your portfolio. Remember, your metrics list is unique to your organization! So you can collaborate with colleagues to make and maintain your metric portfolio. All colleagues will also be able to assign metric values from the list to activity records.

Importing metrics is easy if you have an existing spreadsheet with your metric information. Using the batch impoter, you can import that directly into FieldDoc.

If you're wondering how best to structure your file, take a look at this list of fields that are available within the FieldDoc metric portfolio table.

Metric NameGive your metric a clear and concise name.
Metric DescriptionProvide a great description for your metric here.
Metric TargetWhat is the organization or programmatic target that you are aiming to reach for this metric? Enter that number here.
Metric BaselineHave you already made progress towards this metric?
Metric PrecisionNote the decimal precision, if desired. For example, enter 2 if you would like two decimal places available for entry.
Unit NameChoose from the drop down list of available units.


Organization Metrics are not viewable by Funding Program Managers

The metrics that you curate in your organization portfolio are intended

Single Metric entry via '+ Create'

If you'd like to use a form to enter in your metric data, you can use the '+ Create' button and walk through the steps.

Assigning Metrics to Activities

Assigning Metrics to an Activity One-by-One

Once you have created your list of metrics, then you can start assigning them to individual activity records. If no organization metrics are available to select, check to make sure that you have added metrics to your Portfolio view.


How to add programmatic metrics

If you are looking to add Programmatic Metrics, make sure that you have added your activity record to a Pact! Your activity must be linked to a Pact in order for that program's metrics to be made available for you to select.

Use the Table View to add Metrics

If you want to use drop down lists, you can add metrics via the metric tab table view. First select the activity name and then the metric. Make sure to add the metric