What are Models?
In FieldDoc you may want to use the available models to populate useful information regarding the proposed environmental benefit of your conservation and restoration efforts. You can calculate estimated benefits by associating and turning on available models within your Activity records.
For example, if you use FieldDoc to prepare Maryland Department of Natural Resources' Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grants applications, you can enter metric inputs for the stream restoration practices, and the system will calculate nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment load reductions based on the practice type, geographic location, practice extent, and additional inputs.
All of the math is made available thanks to FieldDoc's provision of leading, customized algorithms provided by our modeling experts and implemented by our development team.
We define an algorithm as:
A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
The inputs users provide when creating practice records in FieldDoc power the math required to turn BMP data into calculated load reductions. This greatly benefits our users because it means we can automate important metric information about your project without you needing to know exactly how to calculate complex metrics such as pounds of nutrients reduced. Instead, grantees and applicants simply enter project information and our algorithm handles the rest.
How do I know what practices and metrics are modeled and which ones are not?
There are a few quick and easy ways to know if the practice and its respective metrics are tied to an algorithm developed by one of our partners.
First, on all metric summary pages, metrics tied to an algorithm will appear on top. You will also be able to see a handy block of text linking you to algorithm's detail page where you can get more information about the assumptions, how it was developed, who created it, and the practices it encompasses.
Models in FieldDoc
- Adapted Chesapeake Nutrient and Sediment Load Reduction Model
- In-stream Load reduction Estimates (more detailed information coming soon)
- Stream Restoration (more detailed information coming soon)
- Stormwater Performance Standards (more detailed information coming soon)
- Shoreline Restoration Load Reduction Estimates (more detailed information coming soon)
- Stormwater performance standard - Treatment depths other than 1 inch (more detailed information coming soon)
Using Models
Step-by-Step instructions on how to use Models can be found on the Modeled Metrics page.
Updated 23 days ago
Learn about specific models hosted in FieldDoc or start activating Models within Activities.