Map Editor

Use the Map Editor to draw new Activity geometries or make edits to your portfolio's geospatial data.

What is the Map Editor?

FieldDoc offers an in-app geospatial draw and editing tool for users who wish to create and manage their geospatial data directly in FieldDoc.

The Map Editor allows users to delineate points, lines, or polygons. Each Geometry is linked to an Activitiesrecord.

Key Benefits of the Map Editor

  • Utilize Draw Tools (points, lines, and polygons)
  • Draw or edit intersecting geometries
  • Create Activities directly from the Map Editor
  • Import geospatial data directly to the Map Editor
  • Stylize your geometries

What can you create in Map Editor?

Draw new Activities

Fire up the Map Editor to delineate new Activities. You can create a new Activity directly from the Map Editor page or load the Map Editor within the single-Activity creation modal.

Within Map Editor

Open the Map Editor and select the preferred geometry type to start delineating directly on the map.

Edit existing Geometries

Double-click on an existing geometry to edit or move it.

Add a geometry with data

Enter Coordinates

If you have the point location handy for your feature, enter it directly into the Map Editor. A point will be created along with a new Activity record. You will need to manually enter the extent related to your Activity.

Import GeoJSON

Use this feature if you want to copy and paste the GeoJSON specifications directly into FieldDoc rather than using the import tool to import a .GeoJSON file.

Navigate your Map

The Map Editor offers three options to navigate and orient your map.

Adjust Zoom Settings

Allows you to set the default view of your map. This includes the centroid and zoom level for when you return to your map view.


Enter in a place or an address to move the map to that location. This is a helpful feature for when you are mapping out your footprints or looking to jump quickly between geographies without using your Activities list.

Background Layers

Users often find it helpful to switch the background layer to a more realistic satellite view. We recommend switching the base layer to Satellite before delineating Activity locations.

Edit Single Features

When editing single features, start by selecting the feature that you want to edit from the left hand panel or the geometry on the map.

Edit a point, line, or polygon

The geometry associated with your activity can be edited, deleted, or re-positioned on the map. A selected geometry will appear orange, indicating that you can make edits. Edits will be automatically saved and associated with the existing record. You will double click outside of the geometry to de-select it and stop editing.


Single-feature geometries

In-app draw tools and editing assume that each activity has a single geometry. In other words, you cannot draw multiple polygons to associate with the same activity record. While we discourage this practice, you can use a third-party system to create a multi-feature polygon. Join those features into a single layer before importing it into FieldDoc.

Edit Attribute Table

From the Attribute Table you can edit the Activity name and review all other attributes.

Edit Style Settings

You can change the fill color and opacity for individual records. Use Hex Color Codes to set the style. The color changes will appear on views throughout the FieldDoc System.


PointDelineate or edit a Activity feature location with a single coordinate. Note that you will have to enter in the extent manually.
LineDelineate or edit an Activity feature with a line.
PolygonDelineate or edit an Activity feature with a polygon.
Edit CoordinatesEnter latitude and longitude for a single feature in decimal degrees. This will create a new feature or edit an existing point location.
Edit GeoJSONUse this editor to copy/paste or edit a feature's GeoJSON data. We recommend testing GeoJSON data with or Placemark. See here for more help with the GeoJSON format.
Zoom to featureCenters the feature in the map editor viewer.
Edit attributesOpens the Activity record's attribute table. Review, add, or edit fields.
Edit styleEdit style settings such as Fill color and opacity; Stroke color, width, and style.
Delete geometryChoose between deleting the geometry or the entire feature.
View GeoJSONView the GeoJSON or WKT format. You can copy the coordinates from this view.
View MeasurementsMeasurements include a the centroid bounding box for polygons. The estimated area is calculated using the geometry as displayed on the map. It may differ from the actual practice area stored in FieldDoc and/or the area of this practice as determined by other systems that process geospatial data. Note that FieldDoc uses the World Geodetic System (WGS84, EPSG:4326) as its reference coordinate system.
Zoom LevelAdjust zoom settings or re-set to capture the area that encloses all Activity features.
Background Layer