Find your Program Guidance

This section provides guidance to Grantees and Standard Users to share Activity Data to Aggregator Programs

Find your Program

Program guidance is added and updated at the request of Program Funders. If you cannot find the program that you are looking for, please reach out to [email protected].

Programs Documentation

MDNR Chesapeake & Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund - Application Deadline 12/13/2024

NFWF Delaware River Program - RFPs to be released in 2025

NFWF Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund - RFPs to be released in 2025

Virginia Environment Endowment - Documentation Coming Soon

Richard K Mellon Foundation - Documentation Coming Soon

Basics on Submitting Your Application

1. Create a Project (optional)

2. Add Activities

3. Create a Pact

4. Link Activities to the Pact

  • Link Activities (available in "Create a Pact" right now)

5. Turn on Models

6. Add Programmatic Metrics

  • Programmatic Metrics coming soon

Basics on Reporting Progress Towards Implementation

1. Track Progress Via Pacts

2. Mark Activities as Complete