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Step 3: Create a Practice

Add practice specific information to your sites and projects

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Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

Practices refer to the on-the-ground restoration work you will complete through the life cycle of the proposed, or funded, project. You can enter practices within specific Sites or you can create your practices independent of sites.

Important: If your project will be installing the same practice at multiple locations, you will need to create a practice tile for each installation location.

Watch the tutorial or use the step-by-step instructions below to create a practice.


Create a Practice individually: Modeled Practice

Most practices follow the steps described in this video as they only require the practice type, location, and extent to model the estimated reductions. If your BMP requires alternative or additional inputs you can find guidance in the next video.

Create a Practice individually: Custom Model (Additional inputs required)

If your practice needs additional inputs in order to calculate estimated reductions, the system will prompt you where to add those inputs. Use this video to walk through the process.

Import multiple practices simultaneously

Maximize efficiency by importing a file of all of your practices in one fell swoop. Once they are imported into the system you will want to watch the tutorials for individual practices to learn how to assign practice types, add additional inputs, and add adjustable targets.

Tips and Tricks: Calculating estimated reductions in Practices

FieldDoc calculates the estimated reductions for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Total Suspended solids within each practice using leading industry models. Most models that FieldDoc uses to calculate reductions almost use the following inputs to calculate the estimated reductions:

  • Practice Type

  • Practice Location

  • Extent of the practice geometry

    As you enter information into each of the Practice components, FieldDoc is working behind the scenes to calculate your estimated reductions. By the end of the setup for each practice the system will provide you with the estimated reduction outputs.

Follow the Step-by-Step Instructions

Add practices individually

From your project summary page, click "+ Create" to add a single practice.

Enter a name for your practice.

Tip: Many users decide to use qualifying information like "Smith Farm Forest Buffer" to help differentiate one practice from another Forest Buffer in the project. The name that you enter has no bearing on the BMP type and modeled calculations. Click Save.

The practice summary page will populate as you enter in your practice parameters. Click the Edit Report icon to input your practice information.

Input your practice settings.

The Edit Report modal lets you input data in all of the relevant fields for your BMP.

As you complete each section, new information will load and options for inputs will appear. The order you will follow is: add practice type, add geometry, review extent, modify inputs, and add adjustable targets.

1. Select type assignment

The practice type provides critical information to determine which, if any, models can be run for this practice.

Click the Blue Plus Circle to enter into this program's curated list of practice types. The searchable list appears on a new page.

Search the curated list and select the practice type to assign to your practice. Click Save.

Delineate your practice type location and extent.

Your geometry provides critical location and extent information to inform not only associated models but also project stakeholders such as program managers and your own team.

On the Edit Report Modal Setting Tab, an Add Geometry button has appeared in the left hand corner. You need to click on this button to delineate your practice location and extent.

You can choose to import an existing shapefile (or geojson file) or draw your practice footprint directly in FieldDoc using the provided draw tool.

A practice in the editing phase will be orange. Double click your cursor to complete your geometry, which turns the shape magenta. IMPORTANT: Click "Save Changes" before closing out of the Map Editor.

TIP: A confirmation message will briefly appear saying "geometry accepted" and the "save changes" button will disappear, unless you make more edits.

Geometry delineation tips

  • You can only draw one geometry per practice.

  • The geometry type is practice dependent. Sometimes you will be provided with a polygon draw tool, other times it will be a point or a line. If all three appear it is because the practice type that you selected does not have a designated geometry type.

  • If you import a file it must match our import specifications. You can only have one geometry instance per upload from this page. (Note: You can use our multi-import feature to upload multiple practices).

  • If you import a file, the geometry type must match the type required by the selected practice type.

In the Edit Reports modal, Click Save. The modeled metrics (#4) will appear in the edit report modal if no additional inputs are needed.

2. Adjust extent measurements

FieldDoc calculates extent based on the dimensions (area, length, etc.) of a practice's geometry. Many models and practice types use this number to calculate estimated nutrient and sediment reductions and other modeled parameters. If your geometry does not match the practice's extent, change it here.

The estimate area was derived from your mapped geometry. Use the Custom extent area field only if you need to override that number for the modeled calculations.

3. Map to NEIEN best management practice specification

Next, you have the option to map your practice to NEIEN best management practice specification. This step enables implementation tracking and crediting by state governments and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NOTE: Each practice will have a different list of practices to select and fields to input.

Click to select a best management practice from the NEIEN appendix.

Select the relevant BMP and click save. TIP: Reference NEIEN literature if you are unsure which BMP aligns with your practice.

Click the ellipses to enter in the implementation measurements.

4. Implementation Targets and Outcomes

Review and add inputs for all automated and non-automated targets outcomes.

Modeled Metrics

If your selected practice type runs the associated model based on inputs already collected by the system, then you will see a Modeled Metrics section like the one below:

If the metrics still display 0.00, look for a modify inputs button and enter into that. Review our custom-model metrics instructions for how to complete the additional inputs.

Adjustable Metrics

Program managers may associate adjustable metrics with the practice that you selected. These can be tracked throughout the project period. When creating a practice, enter in the planned target outcome. Use the ellipses to edit the target.


If you have created sites, you can add one to your practice. Sites are an optional way to organize your practices. To use sites, first create one or more via the project summary config. Please note that un-named sites will not appear in the dropdown list. If you do not wish to use a site with this practice, leave this field blank.

Sites are an optional organizing unit. If you did not create Sites in your project, skip this step.


This practice marked private can only be viewed and edited by project collaborators and program managers. Geographic data related to this practice will not appear on dashboard maps.

Toggle your privacy setting on or off.

Next Steps

Step Two (optional): Create a Site

Step Three: Create a Practice (you are here!)

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