For NFWF Chesapeake Programs, you must include the estimated sediment and nutrient load reductions for each BMP that is part of your project. If you have load reduction estimates that differ from those calculated by FieldDoc, you need to use the following steps to make sure all of your estimates and documentation are adequately shared in FielDoc.
If your engineer or consultant has provided you with custom calculations for your estimated reductions for a stream restoration BMP, you are able to provide those through FieldDoc if you can provide the documentation.
Here are the steps:
You must select the correct BMP type and add the geometry to your practice. Once those are added please do the following to input the calculation results manually :
1. Go into your practice and click the Edit Report Icon.
2. Scroll down to section Four: Implementation Targets and Outcomes. There is a section headed: Adjustable, non-modeled metrics. Click the button “+ Add Target” and “View List”.
3. One at a time, Select from the available “custom” metrics and enter the amount that your engineer calculated in the pop-up field. Click OK. Repeat to add the other two custom estimates that your engineer calculated.
Next, your program officers want to see the calculations. The easiest way to attach this to the practice is to create a Report. Click the “Reports” tab within the Edit Report modal and click the button “+ Create Report”. Name this report - Load Reduction Calculations. Click “edit report” and scroll down to the bottom of the report to the section Files. With the Documents tab underlined, click the “+ Add document” button to upload your file with calculations.