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07-2022 System Update

Streamlines tracking and reporting flows, changes to the practice setup workflow, installation updates, verification, and partner reports.

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Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

Reporting Workflow Updates

In the second quarter of 2022, the FieldDoc team released a suite of system updates that packaged a streamlined and more detailed reporting modal for all users. The updates also included changes to our practice setup workflow. These updates allow users to add details to their installation reports that are then shared with program managers. The new system augments support for more agnostic reporting which will help practitioners more accurately and efficiently share progress with management entities and increase data confidence in reported information.

System Updates

Feature Update: Practice Type Search

Users will notice slight changes to the practice setup process. First, users will see a different layout of the practice types in this release. The new version presents all practice types in a list format rather than as tiles. Users will still search the list to find a specific practice type to add to their practice. Now, users can search in a variety of fields: name, group, and model. Program Managers continue to curate lists for their respective programs for selection by users.

This new view keeps more practice options in the frame at the same time and presents more information about each practice simultaneously. The goal of this feature update is to transparently present as much relevant information to the user during the practice setup as possible.

Feature Update: Metric Selection

The second update in the practice setup step is where to go to enter model input and manual metric information. After creating your practice extent geometry on the location page, users will now go into the Reporting Module to add additional metric information. This is a change from previous iterations where users had to enter information on a separate metrics page. The location is indicated by a box that invites you to visit the modal and enter your inputs.

Feature Update: Reporting Modal

Users input installation progress via the reporting modules. Installation reports track progress towards the goals set out in the practice setup. Most often, these reports are included on a schedule determined by a funding agreement. Check with your program manager or grant agreement to determine the frequency that you need to enter in tracking information.

Feature Update: Metric Input Location

In the new system update, we have removed the stand alone metrics page. Now, all metric reporting, from the moment of target setting through installation completion will be documented within the Reporting modal. Users can access the Reporting modal from either the practice tile or on the practice's summary page.

Once in the modal, users can select from multiple tabs to enter metric information.

Feature Update: Extent

The Report modal opens as a pop-out box for each practice. The modal opens on the Practice extent tab. The extent of the practice, derived from the geometry loaded on the location edit page, is displayed here. This is a change from when the extent appeared on a Metrics page. If the extent derived from the location is inaccurate, users can enter a custom extent here. The custom extent will be used in any modals tied to this practice type.

Feature Update: Metrics

Click on the Metric Goals tab to review modeled metrics and enter in targets for manually tracked metrics. The page will populate with a list of metrics the program managers have deemed relevant to both this practice and the broader programmatic goals. Click save to add each metric to the practice.

Feature Update: Reports

Users will navigate to the Reports tab to add a new report.

‍Click the [+ Create Report] button to add a new report. As demonstrated by the image above, users can add multiple reports to their practice.

After naming the report, a new screen appears that invites the user to add all relevant information. Note the ‘Implementation Progress’ section. Track progress made to date on each target goal.

After the user enters progress, clicks '+' to add it to the report, and clicks 'Save', a progress bar appears showing the progress documented to date.

This information will be visible on your project summary page and reported to program dashboards. If a practice has multiple reports, the metrics will aggregate the total reported each time a new report is created.

New Features

New Feature: Completion Status

Completion Status is a new section in the report modal. Now, once a user has completed the practice installation, they can mark the practice as complete by clicking the aptly named button. This is a huge improvement from the previous reporting version where funders had to assume the installation status based on the progress towards stated goals.

When you click the button a pop-up window will appear where you can enter n the practice complete date. Once saved, the page will update to indicate that both the practice is complete and indicate the name of the user who attested its completeness.

New Feature: Inspection Log

The FieldDoc team recognizes the value of BMP verification and the intense energy required to conduct verification efforts. To assist practitioners and funders in verifying the continued functioning of a BMP, we have developed an inspection log. Each practice has an inspection log tied to it.

Inspection reports can be added after completing the installation. Installation reports aim to track the question, 'Is the practice still functioning as intended?" To add a new inspection, click the '+ add inspection' button. The user will input the date inspected and indicate if the practice is functioning as intended or not. The user can add additional comments if desired. All of this information will be available via export so that it can be shared outside of the FieldDoc system.

New Feature: Partners

At the request of our partners, we have also added a Partners tab to each practice. We recognized that much restoration work is completed through partnerships. We want FieldDoc to be an open book of all contributions to work being done on the ground. With more documentation, all stakeholders can better track efforts and minimize duplication of information. This feature invites users to indicate other partners relevant to the funding or installation of this practice.

Users will search through the list of partners and add any that are relevant to this practice’s completion. If a partner is not listed then the FieldDoc team can add them to the list so that they can be selected.

Any questions about the latest suite of features and system updates can be directed to

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