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Organization Roles & Approval

Organization Owners will need to approve new users who try to join their organization before the new user's onboarding process is complete

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Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

General Users are individuals who create an account with FieldDoc. General Users must belong to a verified Organization.

FieldDoc Organizations represent real-world entities whose employees and/or volunteers manage data using the platform and associated tools. All data and activity in FieldDoc must flow through an Organization.

Find Your User Account's Organization Role

If you already have a FieldDoc account, then you already have a role within an organization. You are assigned either an "owner" or "member" status. You can check your status by clicking on the Organization tab on the left hand navigation panel. Your permission level will appear within the organization tab.

Organization Roles, Explained

  • Owner - Organization owners have unrestricted access to an Organization’s data and settings. You can view, create, modify, and delete Projects and members. Owners can also invite other FieldDoc users to become members of their Organization.

  • Member - Organization members can view an Organization’s data and settings. You can view, create, and modify Projects assigned to their Organization but are not allowed to delete them (except for Projects created directly by the user).

The FieldDoc System requires that all users are assigned to an organization.

NOTE: If you joined FieldDoc prior to March 2022, the FieldDoc Team assigned you an "ownership" role in your organization if your email matches the domain of the organization. For anyone creating an account after March 2022, an existing owner in an organization will need to approve your membership request and assign your role to "owner" or "member".

Assigning a new user to an Organization

When a new user creates a FieldDoc account they will need to join an organization. Review the article on setting up an account for the steps to create your account. The system will suggest an organization based on your email domain. For this reason, we recommend that you use your work email for your FieldDoc account.

If FieldDoc identifies an existing organization in the system that corresponds to the set up's email account, the system will suggest the organization and the user will tap the "request to join" button. The user will then become a pending member of that organization.

If this is not the correct organization then the user should contact to find or create the correct organization.

The new user will not have access to any portion of FieldDoc until their account is confirmed. Instead, the user will arrive on this page until the account has been confirmed and linked to an organization.

Notifications of users requesting to join your organization

If you have "owner" status in the organization then you will receive an email notification asking you to "confirm" the membership request. The email will identify the name of the individual requesting membership.

Who should you approve for membership?

Only approve your organization staff for membership within your organization. We know it's tempting to add a consultant to your organization so that they can see all of your projects, but please do not do this! If you have a consultant that is helping you set up a project or project collaborators from a partner organization, do not confirm them to be part of your organization. These users should have their own organization. You can give collaborators membership or ownership status within individual projects.

Steps to Confirm a Pending Membership Request

It is the responsibility of Organization Owners to approve pending membership requests as you are the only ones who know if someone is from your staff or not.

  1. Log in to your FieldDoc account. When you have pending membership requests a banner will appear on you Home Page.

  2. Navigate to the "Organization" tab on the left hand panel. Tap into your organization using the mosaic icon.

3. You can identify unconfirmed users until the "confirmed" column. Select the three ellipses next to the user to confirm or reject their request to join your organization.

4. The User will receive a confirmation email if you confirm their request for membership.

Organization User Role Options

As an organization owner you can change the membership level or remove someone from your organization at any time.

  • Owner - Organization owners have unrestricted access to an Organization’s data and settings. They can view, create, modify, and delete Projects and members. Owners can also invite other FieldDoc users to become members of their Organization.

  • Member - Organization members can view an Organization’s data and settings. They can view, create, and modify Projects assigned to their Organization but are not allowed to delete them (except for Projects created directly by the user).

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