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All CollectionsProgram GuidanceNFWF: Chesapeake Programs
Streambank Restoration Practice Overview
Streambank Restoration Practice Overview
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Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

In September, 2021 FieldDoc collaborated with the State of Maryland modelers and their expert panels to update the streambank restoration practices available in FieldDoc. These updates will be found in NFWF Chesapeake Bay Program Funding Opportunities. In previous funding cycles, applicants had to choose from four distinct protocols and enter in details specific to each protocol type in order to use calculate estimated reduction values. In the newest version, applicants will choose the practice stream bank restoration, and then follow all of the prompts to enter in their information. The new practice consolidates all of the protocols into one practice.

The following article walks through the steps for applicants to follow to use this protocol. The practice is available to applicants who have selected the a funding opportunity within NFWF's Chesapeake Bay Program for their project.

Steps to set up a practice for Streambank Restoration

Step 1. Create your project.

Step 2. Add a practice.

Name your practice.

Step 3. EDIT PAGE. Add your description and Practice Type.

  • To add your Practice Type, Click on the Blue plus circle to select a type for this practice.

  • Search the list of available practice for Stream Restoration.

  • Click the open circle to select the practice.

  • Confirm selection.

  • You will be returned to the edit summary page. Click the green circle to save your work.

Step 4. LOCATION PAGE. Add a line to delineate the practice's length and location.

  • Enter in the address or estimated location to zoom into the practice location.

  • Switch the base layer type to satellite via the icon in the upper right hand corner to help delineate the location.

  • Use the line segment tool to draw the length and location of the proposed installation work.

  • Click Save when complete.

  • Alternatively, you can upload a shapefile with the information if you have one available. It must meet the FieldDoc system's requirements to be used.

STEP 5. METRICS PAGE. Add metrics and calculate estimated pollutant reductions.

  • Lots that you can do on this page. First, if you need to override the extent calculated from the location page, you can do that here.

  • Click on Model Inputs to enter in the information needed to calculate reductions for the stream restoration practice.

  • If your project does not meet the >90% design threshold simply enter in the bank length and click the button to save inputs.

  • If your project does meet the >90% design threshold, check the box. This will provide you with the necessary fields to provide more information for more accurate estimations.

  • Click on the down arrow for each protocol for more details on what to provide. Your installation work does not need to cover all five protocols. If your intended work meets the qualifying for a protocol, check the box and enter in more information. Find more information for qualifying conditions and input fields for each of the protocols, read this article.

  • Once complete, click "Save Inputs". You can enter in inputs for multiple protocols. Once you have entered in all of the data for the relevant protocols, click on the metrics icon to return to the metrics summary page.

  • You will see that the system has calculated the estimated reductions based on your inputs.

  • Enter in any additional metrics that you intend to manually report.

You have now finished entering in all of the information for your intended stream restoration installation.

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