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FAQ: Add custom metrics

How to show metric targets that differ from those modeled in FieldDoc

Commons Support avatar
Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

FieldDoc estimated reductions for BMPs based on the CAST model and enters those reductions into your FieldDoc project.ย 

For any scenarios where your calculated estimated reductions differ from those arrived at through FieldDoc, you can enter in your custom metric targets. Follow these steps to assign your custom metrics.

These are the metrics to choose if you want to enter in your own reduction amounts.

On the project page, assign all metrics that you want associated with your project at any scale. You cannot assign new metrics at the site or practice level.
At the site level, assign the metric to the site.

This should start to seem familiar, once you create a practice at this site, you want to go in again and assign the metric to the practice. Enter in your custom metric target.

Remember to keep track of your math and send your calculations to the funder if you're applying for a grant using the FieldDoc system!

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