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Step 4: Add a Report

Update your FieldDoc project as you conduct implementation of your project

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Written by Commons Support
Updated over a week ago

FieldDoc helps you track progress towards your metric goals via Reports. Reports are entered within each practice.

Follow the video tutorial or read through the step-by-step instructions below.

Create an interim report.

Interim reports help the user track installation progress throughout the practice installation period.

Create a Final Report

1. Click into a practice tile's reporting modal.

Option 1: Enter the reporting modal from the practice tiles.

Option 2: Enter the reporting modal from the practice summary dashboard.

2. Navigate to the Reporting Tab.

Click the "Create Report" button.

Enter a name for the report.

Tip: Select a name that aligns with your reporting period. For example, interm report; phase 1 report; or final report may all help both you and your funding program manager track the progress effectively.

Click "Save". The report shell will be added to your Reports list.

3. Click Edit Report to add in installation progress.

Implementation Progress

Enter your installation updates for all manually tracked metrics. Click the circle "+" button to add each metric to the report. The modeled metrics are not tracked in these reports and therefore do not need to be added.

After your progress has been inputted, click the check mark to save all of the updates. Visuals of progress towards goals will appear within the report.

Tip: if you do not see this updated visual then you have not yet clicked the check mark to save your work.


Add in any additional information that you'd like to share or track.


Reports now can also include files, both documents and images. Upload any additional information here. If you are unsure about what t files to include, if any, touch base with your Program Administrator.

Click "Save".

4. Review Completion Status

New in 2022! Once you have completed the installation of your practice, change the completion status. Click the button to mark practice as completed.

Enter the completion date manually.

Click "Save".

The information that you entered into your report will appear on the practice summary page as well as on the project summary page.

5. Review Installation Updates on the Summary Page

Close out of the reporting modal. You are returned to your practice summary page. Here you will see all progress towards metric goals updated based on the information that you inputted. This information will update on the practice summary page, the project summary page, and all program dashboard features managed by program administrators.

TIP: If the metric progress is not appearing when you return to the summary page, try refreshing your browser.

If you have three practices that track the same metric, the sum of those inputs will appear on the practice page. You must enter into each practice's reporting modal to document reports.

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